DEC • 2022
Byrnecut's Women in Mining Day
Following the success of Jetcrete’s Women in Mining day held in Perth, Byrnecut decided to run a similar session at their Training Centre in Adelaide, South Australia. The goal of the day was to invite women who are green to the industry and remove some of the stereotypes (including gender stereotypes) that are commonly associated with underground mining.
Presentation from Denise Kapernick (Safety Trainer at Carrapateena)
The day included presentations by female Byrnecut employees from both Prominent Hill and Carrapateena, covering topics such as how they got into the industry, a day in the life of a miner and how they felt working in a male-dominated environment. Attendees also got some practical exposure through virtual reality, jumbo drill simulators and watching the tele-remote bogger being operated from the Adelaide offices.
Attendees were a mixture of school leavers, university students, people currently working on mine sites but not in mining roles, and people looking to change industries. The feedback from attendees was very positive, with one lady saying, “I mostly enjoyed the personal accounts of the mine life by current employees and the virtual reality experience”. Approximately a quarter of the attendees have already been interviewed for positions at Carrapateena and Prominent Hill and are being put through the onboarding process.
Special thanks must go to Denise Kapernick, Robyn Faulkner and Tenille Roeby for taking time to present on the day, as well as the team in the Adelaide Training Centre for organising.
Watching Prominent Hill's tele-remote bogger operating from the Adelaide offices, Presenters from Prominent Hill, Robyn Faulkner and Tenille Roeby (both working on charge up), Experiencing underground through virtual reality