Byrnecut uses a proactive, interactive and hands-on approach to training and development. A formula that's proven time and time again to deliver successful results for all our clients.
Our walk-the-talk philosophy, is applied to motivate, educate and train our employees to strive for excellence and growth.
Byrnecut provides the infrastructure, processes and people needed to develop and operate training facilities at its headquarters and onsite, ensuring all employees are highly trained and have opportunities for career-path development.
We work to provide training and further education in many areas, catering to those new to mines through to experienced miners progressing through the ranks to supervisor levels.
This includes by providing underground metalliferous courses at Certificate II and III level, high-risk courses in dogging and CN crane, supervisor level S1-2-3, Certificate IV frontline leadership, Certificate IV TAE training and assessment qualifications, warehousing Certificate III and IV, and many others.
To ensure workplace safety and wellbeing, the specialised work undertaken by our tradespeople and underground workers demands consistency. By retaining our trainees, we have a viable and successful model that utilises specialised skills as they progress into the roles of trainers, mentors, advisers, and advocates for upcoming trainees. Their input is critical in the continual organic development of training programs, models and implementation strategies for continued success.
Our training model is ever-evolving. With constant revision, modification and expansion, we are able to provide the framework for a defined career path for our employees, helping them to feel valued and supported in their personal and professional contributions.
Our philosophy, backed by successful training programs, is to create a team of leaders. Success is celebrated, and achievements applauded and recognised by our leaders. This embeds a sense of value and worth in each and every employee.
Byrnecut’s training program encompasses lifelong learning within the adult education sector. We strive to seamlessly connect education and knowledge with practical tasks in personal learning environments.
Byrnecut encourages life-wide learning. This effective and innovative teaching strategy utilises real-life contexts within authentic settings. The goal is to embrace and teach via different modes of learning, often not addressed in traditional learning settings. Our learners learn in various ways – kinesthetic, auditory and visual. By integrating life-wide learning into a traditional classroom setting, learners are better equipped to engage in holistic, accessible learning and teaching programs. Innovative teaching and design programs instil the mindset and motivation to develop lifelong learning skills.
Workplace health and safety is Byrnecut’s number one priority. It is championed from the start of our induction process, throughout training and into the workforce. We aim to ingrain safety so that it is second-nature – not only in the work environment, but at home as well.
Quality training
The Byrnecut training model couples knowledge (theory) with practice (on-the-job training). We immerse our trainees in an active learning environment, where they are mentored by experienced, qualified operators.
Byrnecut uses many different forms of training methods, ranging from face-to-face, classroom settings, to online learning and theory assessments, and practical assessments, which are observed by our assessors, who record results on tablets.
The Byrnecut safety and training department oversees the training process. Direct supervisors provide vital input, observations and ‘next-step’ recommendations. Our site foremen are critical in the recognition of individual training needs. Collaboratively, a training plan is formulated and implemented, closely monitored by our safety department.
Training methods

Registered Training Organisation (RTO)
Registered Training Organisation (RTO)
Byrnecut, an Enterprise Registered Training Organisation, is subject to audits by ASQA and must comply with the AQTF Conditions and Standards for registration. All Byrnecut Australia operating sites are externally audited by Sano Health and Safety.
Byrnecut utilises external RTOs for specialised training, such as for high-risk licensing requirements including DG and CN qualifications, Certificate III qualifications in warehousing and logistics, Certificate IV in business, OHS and training and assessment, Diploma of OHS and Diploma of Management.

Onsite Training
Onsite training
New-to-industry employees undertake an introductory program once they arrive onsite. This ensures they are familiar with all areas and equipment in the mine prior to starting training relating to their role and its requirements. Typically, trainees working onsite are on a roster, working two weeks on and one week off, with shifts of 12 hours. The work day is hard and long, but very rewarding, and trainees learn new skills on a constant basis.

Training resource manuals
Training resource manuals
Our review process, honed through decades of experience, is ever-evolving. Major reviews are completed every 12 months. Our training resource manuals are now part of our online system, while virtual training using immersive technology and onsite training complete our comprehensive in-house training systems.
Training centre
Byrnecut also has a state-of-the-art training centre. The centre includes simulators that allow us to conduct initial training for new-starters as well as follow-up training for experienced operators.

Mobile Equipment Simulators
Mobile Equipment Simulators
The centre is equipped with two Immersive mobile equipment simulators. The simulators are configured for underground dump trucks – Epiroc and Sandvik and Underground Load Haul Dump (Boggers) – Caterpillar and Sandvik. The simulators are used for introductory training and for enhancement of operator skills. The simulators have the added benefit of emergency scenario training such as a fire.

Replica Underground Tunnel
Replica Underground Tunnel
A mock-up of an underground work environment, allowing a new starter to experience being in an underground environment, and participate in realistic self-rescuer training using training self-rescue units in a realistic scenario.

Refuge Chamber
Refuge Chamber
The centre is equipped with a refuge chamber allowing for trainees to practice chamber start up in a controlled environment.

Virtual Reality
Virtual Reality
Virtual reality used to introduce “New to industry” employees to the underground work environment.