DEC • 2021

Years of Service

Congratulations and thank you to all our staff who have recently reached a work milestone!

30th Anniversary
Peter Borland
Bradley Douglas
Darrel Grace
Bruce Heron
20th Anniversary
William Adamson Wayne Carr
15th Anniversary
Benjamin Auld
Mathew Goodwin
Steven Leersen
Peter Lock
John Metcalf
Wayne Potter
Gary Robideau
Wiremu Waapu
Bernadette Wright
10th Anniversary
Andrew Bales
Luke Cheney
Robert Finlay
Christopher Jenner
Anthony Moran
Anthony Moran
Brett Mulheron
Lavinia Nowotny
Laine Parody
Joshua Preyser
George Priest
Patrick Ross
Paul Schofield
John Sneath
Phillip Steffens
David Toogood
Nikita Tsalevskiy
Kees Van Boven
5th Anniversary
Wayne Anderson
Baso Andi
Robert Andoh
Phillip Andriani
Jake Campbell
Leigh Coudraye
Milenko Dzinic
Timothy Ebsworth
John Edmonds
John Galende
Scott Glossop
Christopher Griffin
Rhys Harrison
Bradley Jones
Samuel Kefford
Jordan Marshall
Matthew May
Kyle Mcallan
Michael Molloy
Richard Murphy
Haron Mushbari
Brian Mushunga
Davies Mwansa
Edward Ngoma
Oscar Nkhoma
Adrian Noonan
Thomas Oliver
Allan Ovenden
David Pegg
Sam Pierpoint
Pujiantoro Pujiantoro
James Race
Eli Reweti
Christopher Ryan
Shannon Sartori
Justin Scherini
Amanda Seymour
Tania Sissons
Blake Siviour
Ryan Smith
Isaac Sokesi
Harry Sustanto
Dylan Sutherland-Mason
Ryan Treloar
David Tucker
Kimberley Vui
Matthew Wilson
Richard Worrell