APR • 2022
Update on Abra
Recent milestones achieved in the construction phase include the manufacturing of the primary jaw crusher and completion of the new Abra airstrip which is now fully operational for large planes.
This has allowed for other pre-development activities for the combined Abra/Galena/Byrnecut team to pick up, including site earthworks and the roadway to access site which is now operational. Construction of site and admin offices for Galena and Byrnecut have also been completed.
As at the end of March, underground development has reached 1140m from the portal. Steve commented, “The attitude of the workforce was very positive, and the execution of the decline development and services installation presented as expected, that is of high quality."
John Grazziadelli, Project Manager for Abra, says "The project is going along quite smoothly at the moment, we are currently in the process of recruiting more employees to start the second stage of development, and we’ll be introducing our second jumbo in July. Raising Australia are due back on site shortly to start the next leg of our main ventilation system."
Commercial production is on track to commence in the first quarter of 2023.