JULY • 2024

New Adelaide Offices & Induction Centres

In December 2021 Byrnecut established an induction centre in Graham Street, Export Park adjacent to the Adelaide Airport.

The purpose of the induction centre was to reduce the time and resources required to complete the initial steps of introducing new people to the Prominent Hill and Carrapateena mine sites, much the same as is done in the Perth Training Centre. The induction includes an overview of each site, traveling to site, PPE, general mining procedures, tips for FIFO lifestyle and behaviour expectations. We go through the daily routine and keeping safe at work. We introduce people to Safe 360 and several related programs. We conduct simulated isolation exercises and hazard identification and control through a JHA presentation and activities. We review the on-line Work at Heights theory and conduct practical exercises. We finish up the 2 day program by issuing training permits (to be finalised on site). At the conclusion of the induction any new starters in mining (for Byrnecut/Jetcrete) are enrolled into the Cert II Mining.

The first induction commenced on January 3rd, 2022. In February 2022, due to demand the schedule was changed to facilitate two inductions per week, Monday/Tuesday for Prominent Hill and Wednesday/Thursday for Carrapateena.

In January 2024 Byrnecut signed a lease for a new larger premises west of Bunnings at the Adelaide Airport, a building previously occupied by National Jet. The new premises has enabled us to provide offices, meeting rooms and facilities for increased capability for facilitating inductions and off site training.

In 2022 we introduced respiratory protection fit testing and hearing protection fit testing. Since introduction all persons who attend the induction will be fit tested for both.

In 2023 a truck and loader simulator were delivered to the induction centre. Since delivery we have had many operators test their skills on the truck simulator under the instruction of an experienced trainer. The loader simulator has yet to be utilised.

In a little over two years, we have had 138 supervisors attend the induction centre to complete a three day WHS for Supervisors Course.

Adelaide Offices & Induction Centre Capability:

  • Induction Room 1 – Seating for 18. Main UG induction area 
  • Induction Room 2 – Seating for 20. Secondary induction / meeting room (PHOX inductions)
  • Meeting Room 1 – Seating for 10-14. Small group training / meeting / tele conference room
  • Meeting Room 2 – Seating for 8 – Small group meeting room
  • Six separate offices for private work areas
  • Open space office desks, seating for up to 16
  • Facilities include two kitchens, separate lunchroom, toilets.